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In the first few minutes of 127 Hours a man is hiking a remote mountain in Utah with his girlfriend. While taking a break there's a loud roar and then he falls into an abyss. He panics as the walls close in around him, but then realizes that he can free himself from it by cutting off his arm using pocket knife before passing out for rescue. When he awakens from his ordeal, what should have been merely days of recovery has turned into three years without food or drink, requiring prosthetic limbs and shears to cope with modern day society. And so begins a journey of self-discovery and the answer to the question, "What would you do if there were no tomorrow?" (which is the title of the movie.) Not an easy movie to watch at times. Not because of its gruesome tale or foul language. It's not that at all. For one, it's full of suspense for sure, but not in a bad way. It truly fits in this style perfectly and well (which means great job by the director and screenwriter.) Since we don't know why he had to rescue himself or what was going through his head while under such extreme conditions it puts us in his shoes every moment we've been waiting for him to make his next move. James Franco gives an Emmy worthy performance in this movie without a doubt. You can't help but think about your own life when watching this. It is what we strive for, right? To get to the top of the mountain and conquer it? Where's that next challenge? Where's that next mountain? Well, what happens when you're not mountain climbing and just living your life and something like this happens and you're trapped and there's no easy way out. Francos performance along with the other actors in the film do a superb job at making it believable considering how little dialogue is present throughout. But honestly, I feel like this movie has more to offer than just a lame story line. It also contains a message that is very profound to society at large. It's not so much with the story line itself, but what you think deeper about yourself, another person, what it means to be human if you are so inclined. A must watch for sure. A true modern day story of survival. 127 hours full movie download in hindi 720p - In this horror film, Danny Boyle does a decent job. Not a perfect film, but still a good movie. If you want to watch this movie, then you will have to download the movie in your computer or laptop. ***** 1/2 stars - The story is gripping and keeps your attention throughout the entirety of the film. Very entertaining and worth watching for anyone who is into thriller films. **** - A decent thriller with some good character development and action scenes that keeps you on the edge of your seat. However, there are still two things that hold back this film from being great: its poor editing and poor pacing. cfa1e77820